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Growing your email list is easy right?

The business and marketing emails that get the best response are those that have been carefully, even lovingly, crafted. Much thought has been put into them and they don’t get sent until they’re nearly perfect. The emails are personalized, relevant, and get the reader to take action.

Not so easy, right? It’s even a little intimidating. How can you know what makes for a great subject line and compelling body copy? Should your emails be brief or long? Should the subject line be simple and to the point or more creative?

In this course, we’re going to lay out the best principles of email copywriting PLUS we’re going to talk about...

What's Included

Emails that Connect & Copy that Converts

How to get inside the mind of your reader

How to craft the perfect subject line

How to create compelling body copy that gets readers to
take action

How to personalize your emails

Tap into your blogging superpower

Never run out of newletters

BONUS: Bank of 50 swipe files for email subject lines to get more opens!